HA HA.. LOSER!.. So your Refinancing your house & you couldnt Even stay away from me just long enough to close on your Mortgage Refi Loan?!.. lol.. Now the Bank pulled your credit 1 Last time B4 the Closing & discovered that your MC (you know the one!.. he he).. that you Only owed $300 on BEFORE.. You NOW Owe $10k!.. Courtesy of ME!.. lol.. I wish I could see the look on wifeys face right about now – Priceless I Bet!.. HA HA.. How fucking hysterical!.. I bought so many great things with that $$.. lol… ** PLEASE NOTE: Just a Reminder to My Customers ** It will take longer to Download the Larger HD files [1080p HD – 1440 x 1080]