Custom clip-Deeane walks into the room and stumbles on something from the floor \ the fuck are all of Frankies cars doing here on my living room floor?!!grrrrr! \ angrily Kicks one of the cars hard to the other side of the room.\ just tided this morning! I wonder how Frank will like his precious car collection after I\’m done with them\ Dee moves a little closer to the pile ,reaches out and picks up one of the cars with her toes and places the car directly in front of her.She crushes it without mercy.Once crushed and damaged,she picks up the car with toes and for fun tries and see if she can throw it in the empty shoe box she has near her. \-Time to break the rest of these stupid cars\.Deeane Breaks each car at a time.Once broken and damaged, she puts all cars and car pieces inside the box – with her toes.\-Ahh all tidy! that will teach Franky not to mess up my living room again!\.Deeane kicks the box hard and leaves the room. &iid=32627 &iid=32627