88498 – CLIP – It feels so good to obey

Warning! This clip leads slaves with a penchant for money slavery to an extreme, barely controllable urge to pay ! If money slavery is your fetish, this clip will definitely change your world ! This clip is pure seduction from the first to the last second. I use all my powers of seduction and every conceivable psychological key stimulus and trick to wash your brain completely to mush in order to put you in a state of complete lack of will. Can you even rudimentarily imagine how good it feels like, being allowed to pay me ?! it is the fulfillment of all your submissive dreams and fantasies. When serving me you are fulfilling your purpose of birth. It feels so good, it feels so right because nature wants you to do so. Enjoy this feeling and let yourself gently and incredibly diabolically guide you to the utmost. If you dare ?! You have been warned !
It feels so good to obey
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