217156 – Unaware Giantess – Kitchen Snacks

This video is shot entirely from a mini man POV perspective…Lady Soles is going about her daily business, cleaning the kitchen. She has this feeling she is been watched. As it turns our her house seems to have a miniman infestation! When Lady Soles finally spots the little guy, she decides to have some fun, she knows minimen are usually only this stupid to be out in the day if they are hungry. She decides to grab herself a few snacks and casually drops a few bits to tempt the little guy out. The hunger gets the better of the little guy and he dashes for the food. Like a cat after a mouse Lady Soles quickly sneaks up on her little victim and pins him under foot. She must have stepped down a little hard as when she lifts her foot she can see the little guy is all dazed & broken, but fortunately still alive. She casually catches him and decides not to waste this delicious treat. Before the little guy can object he is quickly swallowed and sent to her hungry belly. Lady Soles, soon suffers some gas and lets out a huge fart (little men always makes her fart). She then sits back to play on her phone as she enjoys the struggles in her belly….The next day another little man is in her bedroom and Lady Soles wakes, stretching her feet out of bed. She soon feels a pressure in her bottom and quicky heads to the toilet to dispose of her prisoner. The remaining little man is shaking as the goddess leaves the bathroom and amazed at her cruelty. He better be careful if he doesn’t want to suffer the same fate as his friend….
Unaware Giantess - Kitchen Snacks
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