217780 – Tiny unaware crushed in the giantess’ office and stuck to her shoe sole

How did you tiny guy get into the office? Don’t you think it’s a little too dangerous for a tiny guy like you to crawl around the office floor with giantesses like me walking around in high heels, rolling around in their office chairs – without knowing you’re even there?! While I’m talking on the phone you can’t resist checking out the heels I slipped off – and also my nylon feet – you really must like the danger! But then, when I put my high heels back on and stand up – the inevitable happens, I step on your tiny body, crush it partly under my shoe sole and you’re stuck to it. I still haven’t noticed you, so I carry you around the office, unknowingly crushing you more and more with every step. Even after leaving the office, I still don’t notice you – you’re still stuck to the shoe sole as I drive my car, go for a little walk and even when I get back home – where I take off my shoes and put them – with your crushed body still stuck to the sole into my shoe cabinet … I guess you’ll spend another day with me if you survive the night in my shoe cabinet!
Tiny unaware crushed in the giantess' office and stuck to her shoe sole
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