30814 – CLIP – fd – mw – DAY 1 OF SLAVERY – A – SD 960×540

SD 960×540, time 22:11. First half part of request:\ for the clip \’Day 1\’ You begin by wearing just a bra and panties – whichever colour set you like – in your room. You start to dress your legs in skin coloured pantyhose. When you are finished, you go to the mirror and look at how nice your ass looks dressed up like that. You make sure the seam of the pantyhose is straight between your buttocks so your ass looks perfect. You adjust it if it isn\’t perfect. Then you put on your scottish tartan skirt, a top that will go with it, and then a pair of high heeled shoes. You look at yourself in the mirror, and then you leave the room.                                                                                              You go to the bathroom and lift the toilet lid. You sit across the front of the toilet seat to tease the slave with the sight of your thighs. Knowing your bathroom, I think it would be good if you sat so that your legs are pointing towards the bath tub, your back to the washing machine. You look at the slave for a few seconds without speaking, and you are relaxed and calm. Then you tell the slave that you had always planned to make him your toilet slave and that you wish to have one that will be pleasing and useful at the same time. \’If you love me\’ you tell him, \’you will serve me for as long as I want…but for starters I will train you for a week to see if your are worthy of being my toilet…\’ – you say everything in Polish, and you can pretend to lower your hand down into the toilet as though you are cruelly carressing and toying with him for a few seconds. You are serious throughout. Then you get up and turn to lift your hem and you keep it lifted for a while and carress your ass to show him how beautiful it is. You do some POV shots for a little while so the camera can see roughly what the slave is seeing – how tall and powerful you look and how elegant and mesmerising you are in this position of power. Then you undress to sit on the toilet and tell him that pee is good for him, it is a natural rejuvinator. He must open wide and drink everything, not just now, but always. Then you close your eyes and take a pee. You wipe and dress yourself normally, and just before you flush the toilet, you tell him that you\’ll be back right after breakfast to use him properly. You flush and leave.                                                                                                      In the same outfit, you are at the table in the kitchen or dining room drinking coffee. Close up of your crossed legs, then of you sipping coffee, almost finished. A close up of you scratching your legs through the pantyhose so that you can hear your nails rustling against the nylon. You take a last bite of something, whether a banana or a piece of toast, or anything you wish, and then you finish your coffee and get up.                                                                                                                 You walk down your hallway and enter the bathroom. This time you sit with your pantyhose on and tell him to kiss your ass down the middle, all along the seam of the pantyhose, up and down. For a minute you sit and maybe once or twice cross your legs to rustle with your pantyhose. Then you get up and lift your skirt right up and look over your shoulder, down at the slave – a POV would be nice before you start to undress. Then you tell him that you didn\’t go to the toilet yesterday so he should be in for a big feast. You undress and sit down and tell him lick deep and hard so that your ass is nice and lubricated when you start defecating – you tell him that it is his job to make your function easier. You sit quietly for a minute accepting his licking and then you tell him to press his lips around your anuse and open wide. \’You have to swallow down everything quickly or else you\’ll suffocate – and I didn\’t want you to suffocate until I\’ve had good use of you,\’ you tell him. Then you close your eyes and relieve yourself quietly. You wait for him to finish eating and then you tell him that his most important role is to make sure your ass is spotless – you will check with toilet paper and if you find even the tiniest fleck on it you will be angry and will make him stay there much longer than a week. You tell him that once he thinks your ass is clean he must kiss it three times to let you know. After a minute, you say \’Good, but it was all for nothing. There is much more to come out.\’ You close your eyes and relieve yourself again. After he has finished cleaning you, you check the paper after wiping and lift your eyebrows, \’Not good, do it all over again,\’ you say. Then you throw the paper inside. After half a minute, you tear some more paper and check again. \’Much better,\’ you say. You get up, dress – and please don\’t shorten the dressing up – you can even do a POV while you are adjusting your pantyhose from behind. You can also show POV while lowering the lid. You flush and wash your hands. You leave along the hallway and let the hallway be empty for a few seconds after you are gone.                                                                                                                                  You come back to do a pee, but this time you don\’t talk or look at him. You pee quickly and leave. Show you disappearing down the hallway and then reappearing to come to pee again. This time you undress and sit on the toilet and paint your nails by resting your hand on your thigh. Close up of your hand in your lap would be nice. After you are finished, you put your nail varnish away and admire your hands. Then you pee and leave.                                                                                                     Show you on the phone in another room nodding and saying yes and so on, as though listening to a girlfriend on the phone. Cross and uncross your legs once and show just a bit of dangling shoe. You can scratch your leg too so we can hear the noise. Dhow coming down the hallway to enter the bathroom. You quickly use the toilet to pee and then close the lid. You remove your make-up at the washing basin and then throw the cotton buds into the toilet. You smile and close the lid again. Then you sit on the lid and take your shoes and pantyhose off. You put the pantyhose on the washing machine and then take your skirt and top off. You are now in the same bra and panties as at the beginning of the day but then you put on a nice robe or baby-doll pajama and walk out. You switch the light off and walk out of the hallway. Switch the light off so that the hallway becomes dark and let it be quiet and dark like that for a few seconds?.\ This clip was made on special request – you can also send me your scenario on mistressweronika@gmail.com &iid=30814 &iid=30814