50645 – CLIP – GIANTESS DEEANE IN : A Vore Dream WMV low res

One lovely morning and Deeane yawns on her sofa and lights a cigarette .The smell of freshly made black coffee alures her into taking a loud sip , but her eyes soon glimpse on the table her tiny boyfriend Richard .Getting in an sassy mood,Deeane catches him and threatens to put his puny body in a twix bar .Only her threats soon bring Richard to the reality of being screwed right on the chocolate bar, dunk in the still warm coffee and eaten! But no soon a magic spell brings Richard back on the table safe and sound! How is that possible?-says Deeane laughing evily-ive just eaten you.and she grabs the tiny man ,drops him in the coffee mug and takes a sip .Ahhhh that tastes so good! The magic spell brings again Richard on the coffee table .Astonished to see such a wonder and yet unhappy by her fails in trying to eat Richard,Dee puts him once more on the twix bar, dunks in coffee and eats him once more.But he is really in her mouth and the taste is divine! Scared ,Deeane wakes up.She looks on the pillow next to her where Richard was sleeping peacefully .-oh it was only a dream , honey! i though i`d eaten you ! She blows him a kiss and goes back to sleep. GIANTESS,VORE, SFX , POV, SMOKING , CLOSE UP ,SLOW MOTION

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