129792 – I got REPORTED to the police because of blackmail OMG

I’m not kidding! Ususaly everthing is fine but I did something real dumb, letting a blackmailjunkie provocate me and now I have to deal with the consequences. I thought about doing this clip for a long time and I know it’s pretty uncommon to speak about this kinda stuff but for some of you it might be interesting to hear what can go wrong when you’re stuck into blackmailplay too much. BM is not a joke, not a game and yeah – it’s easy to ruin someone’s life with a few clicks. What I did is chargeable by law and this video is not ment as defense or apologize. For sure I will not tell any names, informatons, quotes ect which could lead to the involved person; I don’t want to threaten or humiliate the person. I just will outline the szenario, explain how I got myself in this situation and how the hell things will go on.
I got REPORTED to the police because of blackmail OMG
Go to Store “Princess Kitty”