You and a couple of your tiny friends invaded my snack bowl – and I don’t notice you at first while I grab a few gummy bears – you’re about the same size after all! After a while, I grab one of your friends and while chewing him, I notice something’s off – that doesn’t taste like a gummy bear! Upon closer inspection I find more of you tinies … what are you doing there? If you tiny guys are a good snack too? We’ll find out! You didn’t really think it would be a good idea to invade a giantess’ snack bowl, did you?! Don’t you even want to try to escape? Should I show you with one of these gummy bears what’s going to happen with you and your tiny friends? Getting chewed in my sexy mouth, getting completely dismantled by my big sharp teeth before you go down my throat and end up in my stomach … is that what you want to experience as well? Let’s see!
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