69942 – CLIP – Cruel Combat Boot Kicks

A Sex Perv has been Obsessed with this Beautiful Woman for weeks.. He’s been hanging around the places that She frequents & today he’s followed her home.. He’s been waiting for the perfect opportunity to Attack.. But Unfortunately for him.. He doesn’t know Everything about her! She may be really pretty.. But She’s a Sexual Sadist & Also a VERY Skilled Fighter.. She’s an Expert at Martial Arts & her FAVORITE thing to do is to Front Snap Kick a guy in the Nuts & then Laugh Hysterically at his Pain.. Well he realizes what a big mistake he’s made soon after he Attacks.. She’s so CRUEL & Couldn’t Care Less that a Strange Man has just broken into her Home to Attack her.. She’s been waiting for this Moment her whole Life – it’s an Opportunity for her to Live out her Ultimate Fantasy.. To Totally RUIN a Guy by kicking him in the nuts!.. So She Front Snap Kicks him in the balls Over & Over Again with those Combat boots of her’s.. She’s DETERMINED NOT to Stop til She’s RUPTURED him! ( HD 1920 x 1080 )
Cruel Combat Boot Kicks
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69479 – CLIP – Cruel S*sters’ Apartment (Part II)

MPEG VersionMiss Nikki & her sis Vikki really enjoy humiliating boys & taking Their money.This bitch, as the sis call him, can’t handle much but loves the pain (and humiliation), so he’s wearing jeans and the kicks STILL hit home & send him to the ground a few times.Wanna get kicked in the nuts like this guy is? Both sis give u Their email addresses.., but enter Their apartment with caution! *N.B. – We are not responsible for any injured nuts OR injured egos.
Cruel S*sters' Apartment (Part II)
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69476 – CLIP – Cruel S*sters’ Apartment (Part I)

Hi-Quality WMV VersionMiss Nikki & her sis Vikki really enjoy humiliating boys & taking Their money.This bitch, as the sis call him, can’t handle much but loves the pain (and humiliation), so he’s wearing jeans and the kicks STILL hit home & send him to the ground a few times.Wanna get kicked in the nuts like this guy is? Both sis give u Their email addresses.., but enter Their apartment with caution! *N.B. – We are not responsible for any injured nuts OR injured egos.
Cruel S*sters' Apartment (Part I)
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69477 – CLIP – Cruel S*sters’ Apartment (Part II)

Hi-Quality WMV VersionMiss Nikki & her sis Vikki really enjoy humiliating boys & taking Their money.This bitch, as the sis call him, can’t handle much but loves the pain (and humiliation), so he’s wearing jeans and the kicks STILL hit home & send him to the ground a few times.Wanna get kicked in the nuts like this guy is? Both sis give u Their email addresses.., but enter Their apartment with caution! *N.B. – We are not responsible for any injured nuts OR injured egos.
Cruel S*sters' Apartment (Part II)
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69209 – CLIP – A Girl PAID ME to RUPTURE You.

A Sex Perv’s Victim wants Revenge & Hires a Very Skilled Hit Woman to give this Pervert a Beating he’ll NEVER Forget. The Victim wants to take away the ONLY thing that this Perv truly cares about – his Ability to Achieve an Erection!.. So the Hit Woman dresses SEXY in tight leggings & high heel boots (per the client’s instructions) in order to lure the Deviant in & Get him to Attack her. She knows he’s followed her home & Purposely left the back door unlocked for him to Gain Entry. She baits him perfectly & then kicks him in the nuts HARD to Disable him! She slaps a pair of handcuffs on him & taunt hims to make him Angry & Get him to Attack her EVEN MORE. She kicks HARDER & HARDER & calls him a WIMP & Laughs at him for NOT being able to “take a little kick to the balls from a girl”.. This HOT Hit Woman is a VERY Skilled Martial Artist & Front Snap kicks him in the balls with those SEXY boots of her’s til She’s finished her “Assignment” & there’s NOTHING Much Left between his legs! ( HD 1920 x 1080 )
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69091 – CLIP – He Wont be the Same After This

This bitch has been begging me to beat the fuck out of him.. but never thought I’d be so cruel. I wore my badass biker boots & kicked him so hard he was coughing up his nuts by the time our session was over.. I spit on him & took his wallet away to go shopping.. as he lies on the floor helpless.. holding his broken nuts unable to move.. FUCKING LOSER.. LOL ( HD 1920 x 1080 )
He Wont be the Same After This
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69055 – CLIP – You Really Want Me To Kick Your Nuts?..

“Most guys just want to see me dance.. But ok I’ll kick you” – Katrina tells him & then she SLAMS her heavy 8′ stiletto heel into his nuts so HARD I thought for sure he was going to cough up his nads & spit them out on to the floor! lol.. This guy came here because it was his “dream to be kicked in the nuts” by ME & 1 of My HOT Dancer G/F’s. He bragged about how he goes to strip clubs all the time & “loves to be kicked by dancers” cuz they have such “strong & sexy legs”.. Well Katrina has been Dancing for 2 years now paying her way thru College & She’s met 100’s maybe even 1000’s of LOSERS that She would have LOVED to kick in the balls & NOW that She’s been hanging out with ME.. She Gets to Live Out Her Dream! HA HA.. We BOTH kick his nuts Really HARD & break them to pieces. lol ( 640 x 480 )
You Really Want Me To Kick Your Nuts?..
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68962 – CLIP – Vicious Vixen in Wicked Stilettos Ruptures a Perv!!!..

It’s Fri Night & this SEXY Girl is all dressed up & ready to go out with her friends. But a Crazed Pervert breaks into her home & has OTHER Plans for her. He Attacks her from behind ONLY to quickly find out that attacking this beautiful babe – Really wasn’t the best idea! She kicks hard & fast & knows right where to AIM. The Perv’s frustration builds as he’s DETERMINED to get to her.. But EVERY Time he tries.. Another CRUEL Karate kick to the balls from her STEEL TOE STILETTOS Quickly STOPS the Perv in his tracks! ( HD 1920 x 1080 )
Vicious Vixen in Wicked Stilettos Ruptures a Perv!!!..
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68931 – CLIP – Tony the Tard May Never Walk Right Again

The Last time he was here.. He “felt something Snap” in his testicles WHILE I was Standing on them Full Weight & Crushing them & he hasn’t been the SAME Since! LOL.. Tony the Tard can barely walk now.. Yet STILL he Returns to Me Again for Even MORE Abuse! lol.. His wife keeps asking him “why” he’s been “walking funny” & He tells her that he “pulled a groin muscle at work”.. He’s afraid to go to the Doctor.. But he REALLY Needs to!! lol.. I think it’s Hysterical & just kick him in the nuts Even MORE. I kick him Over & Over Again & then I trample his “injured groin” – With my Stilettos STILL ON! HA HA.. I Finally decide to Finish the BITCH Off – By taking off My Shoes to trample the Remains of his nuts BAREFOOT. ( HD 1440 x 1080 )
Tony the Tard May Never Walk Right Again
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68855 – CLIP – You Crush One Nut & Ill Crush the Other

Tiffany & I Each Pick a Nut to Step On & We CRUSH this BITCHs Nuts TOGETHER! lol.. I Share ALL My Subs with My G/F’s & My HOT G/F Tiffany luvs nothing more than to Destroy some losers nads & She’s DETERMINED to make some POP today!.. NOT ONLY Do We CRUSH his nuts.. We kick them.. Slap them & Stomp them with our pretty feet. Tiffany RUNS in Place on them FAST & Totally Fucks this BITCH Up! lol ( 640 x 480 )
You Crush One Nut & Ill Crush the Other
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68481 – CLIP – Sex Perv Rehab

This Prison Rehab Clinic is ran by a Therapist that can’t stand Perverts that prey on Women & thinks that the BEST Way to “Cure a Perv” is to take away their ability to have sex in the 1st place by RUINING them – So they can NEVER Get it up Again. This Therapist has a Reputation for being CRUEL & Purposely dresses SEXY just to Arouse the Pervs by Resembling their Victims. Then When they Attack her – She just kicks them in the balls So HARD that they end up needing to go to the Hospital for treatment & in most cases losing a testicle. She Gets away with this because once they Attack her – She needs to “protect herself” from harm. She’s So Beautiful.. But Don’t let that fool you because this HOT Therapist is an EXPERT in Martial Arts & Knows just how to kick in the groin to Cause a nad to BURST!.. She’s made a Game out of “Rupturing Pervs” & even makes bets with many of her co-workers that She can “Get Both Nuts in 1 Session”. So She Allows this Sex Perv to dress up in his “old gear” for Today’s Session just to get him in the mood to Attack her & When he Does – She karate kicks him in the Nuts with her Sharp Pointy toe Stiletto boots!.. She handcuffs him so he can’t block the kicks & Totally DESTROYS the Perv with her “Front Snap kicks” to the groin. She kicks him So HARD that he can barely move & then offers him a “Deal”. IF he Spreads his legs open & can Take ALL her Karate kicks to the nuts.. She’ll Sign Off on his Rehab & Recommend him for “Early Parole”.. This means that he’d be done with “therapy” & Never have to feel the Excruciating Pain of 1 of her groin kicks – Ever Again! So he Agrees & TRIES to take her kicks.. But her pointy toe boots are too much for him to handle & her CRUEL Karate kicks to the groin ALWAYS Make a DIRECT Hit to the testicles. She Totally PULVERIZES his nuts & then STEPS On EM too – just 4 Fun! ( HD 1920 x 1080 )
Sex Perv Rehab
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68483 – CLIP – BRAT Kicks a Perv!!

He followed her home from School & thought this was going to be easy once he broke in.. He thought he’d surprise her & have his way.. But little did he know.. She’s NO Ordinary Girl!.. This Bratty School Girl is the #1 Student in her Self Defense Class & they taught her 3 THINGS: (1) Aim for the Nuts (2) Kick as HARD as you can (3) DON’T STOP Kicking!… So She kicks him til he’s down & then kicks him even more. Then she decides to fix the creep so he CAN’T attack ANY other girls.. She CRUSHES his nuts & STOMPS them out like a bug under her shoes & does the world a favor by Making sure that this Perv will NEVER EVER Be Able to Get it Up – EVER AGAIN!! ( HD 1920 x 1080 )
BRAT Kicks a Perv!!
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68339 – CLIP – Kicking Away his Sick Perversions

A SEXY Santa Girl just finished her Shift at the Mall & is looking forward to a nice relaxing evening.. But then a Sex Perv breaks in & Attacks her! This Perv has been hanging around the Mall & Watching her for Weeks. He followed her home & thought a Woman this Beautiful would be an Easy Target – But he was WRONG! What he Doesn’t know.. Is that when She’s NOT At the Mall.. Her FULL TIME Job is teaching Women’s Self Defense & She’s An Expert Martial Artist! Well he soon finds out that She’s VERY Good at what She does & Her FAVORITE Move – Is the “Front Snap Kick” to the Groin! She kicks the Pervert REALLY HARD in the balls with her boots & quickly disables him. She has a pair of handcuffs & decides to slap those on him too.. Then She becomes CRUEL. She can’t stand Perverts that attack girls decides that she’s going to FIX Him So he NO Longer has ANY Sick & Perverted Desires – By kicking him in the Groin as HARD as She can with her boots Until She’s RUPTURED Him! ( HD 1920 x 1080 )
Kicking Away his Sick Perversions
Go to Store “Megans Kicked and Abused II”

68236 – CLIP – KO! (Knock-Out)

Reg-Quality WMV VersionThis loser loves feeling pain caused by hot Females. Miss Erika loves taking losers’ money for inflicting pain!She KO’s him a couple times & loser doesn’t care that She’s humiliating him right in front of Her friend, relaxing on the couch watching all of this.Her pretty feet hurt from nailing his nuts that She demands a foot massage during a break. All 100% real, candid suburban Femdom & ballbusting!
KO! (Knock-Out)
Go to Store “Goddesses\’ footboy”

68272 – CLIP – Aerobics Girl Fights Off a Perv!.

She’s the HOTTEST Girl at the Gym & this Perv followed her home from her Aerobics Class.. He’s been watching her for Weeks. He breaks in & tries to attack her & unfortunately for him.. He’s picked the WRONG Girl THIS time! She’s a VERY Skilled Fighter & Her FAVORITE Move seems to be front kicking him RIGHT in the balls! She has POWERFUL legs & WON’T be his victim! IF Anything it’s the other way around Now & He’ll be Lucky IF he can even get out of there.. BEFORE She makes him Cough up his own nuts! ( HD 1920 x 1080 )
Aerobics Girl Fights Off a Perv!.
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68233 – CLIP – KO! (Knock-Out) – Part II

Hi-Quality WMV VersionThis loser loves feeling pain caused by hot Females. Miss Erika loves taking losers’ money for inflicting pain!She KO’s him a couple times & loser doesn’t care that She’s humiliating him right in front of Her friend, relaxing on the couch watching all of this.Her pretty feet hurt from nailing his nuts that She demands a foot massage during a break. All 100% real, candid suburban Femdom & ballbusting!
KO! (Knock-Out) - Part II
Go to Store “Goddesses\’ footboy”

68232 – CLIP – KO! (Knock-Out) – Part II

Quicktime VersionThis loser loves feeling pain caused by hot Females. Miss Erika loves taking losers’ money for inflicting pain!She KO’s him a couple times & loser doesn’t care that She’s humiliating him right in front of Her friend, relaxing on the couch watching all of this.Her pretty feet hurt from nailing his nuts that She demands a foot massage during a break. All 100% real, candid suburban Femdom & ballbusting!
KO! (Knock-Out) - Part II
Go to Store “Goddesses\’ footboy”