MPEG VersionThis loser loves feeling pain caused by hot Females. Miss Erika loves taking losers’ money for inflicting pain!She KO’s him a couple times & loser doesn’t care that She’s humiliating him right in front of Her friend, relaxing on the couch watching all of this.Her pretty feet hurt from nailing his nuts that She demands a foot massage during a break. All 100% real, candid suburban Femdom & ballbusting!
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Category Archives: Ballbusting
68231 – CLIP – KO! (Knock-Out)
MP4 VersionThis loser loves feeling pain caused by hot Females. Miss Erika loves taking losers’ money for inflicting pain!She KO’s him a couple times & loser doesn’t care that She’s humiliating him right in front of Her friend, relaxing on the couch watching all of this.Her pretty feet hurt from nailing his nuts that She demands a foot massage during a break. All 100% real, candid suburban Femdom & ballbusting!
Go to Store “Goddesses\’ footboy”
68235 – CLIP – KO! (Knock-Out)
Hi-Quality WMV VersionThis loser loves feeling pain caused by hot Females. Miss Erika loves taking losers’ money for inflicting pain!She KO’s him a couple times & loser doesn’t care that She’s humiliating him right in front of Her friend, relaxing on the couch watching all of this.Her pretty feet hurt from nailing his nuts that She demands a foot massage during a break. All 100% real, candid suburban Femdom & ballbusting!
Go to Store “Goddesses\’ footboy”
68237 – CLIP – KO! (Knock-Out)
DialUp VersionThis loser loves feeling pain caused by hot Females. Miss Erika loves taking losers’ money for inflicting pain!She KO’s him a couple times & loser doesn’t care that She’s humiliating him right in front of Her friend, relaxing on the couch watching all of this.Her pretty feet hurt from nailing his nuts that She demands a foot massage during a break. All 100% real, candid suburban Femdom & ballbusting!
Go to Store “Goddesses\’ footboy”
68243 – CLIP – A Girl PAID ME to RUPTURE You
A Sex Perv’s Victim wants Revenge & Hires a Very Skilled Hit Woman to give this Pervert a Beating he’ll NEVER Forget. The Victim wants to take away the ONLY thing that this Perv truly cares about – his Ability to Achieve an Erection!.. So the Hit Woman dresses SEXY in tight leggings & high heel boots (per the client’s instructions) in order to lure the Deviant in & Get him to Attack her. She knows he’s followed her home & Purposely left the back door unlocked for him to Gain Entry. She baits him perfectly & then kicks him in the nuts HARD to Disable him! She slaps a pair of handcuffs on him & taunt hims to make him Angry & Get him to Attack her EVEN MORE. She kicks HARDER & HARDER & calls him a WIMP & Laughs at him for NOT being able to “take a little kick to the balls from a girl”.. This HOT Hit Woman is a VERY Skilled Martial Artist & Front Snap kicks him in the balls with those SEXY boots of her’s til She’s finished her “Assignment” & there’s NOTHING Much Left between his legs! ( HD 1920 x 1080 )
Go to Store “Megans Kicked and Abused II”
68209 – CLIP – Kicked in the Nuts for Xmas
This guy found himself coughing up his own nuts by the time We were done! lol.. He emailed Me for almost a year bragging about how he could take 10 kicks from Me in a Row “wearing any type of footwear” & that I could kick him as hard as I wanted & offered to sign his balls over to Me. So My g/f Paige & I BOTH kick him in the balls Really HARD with our pointy toe stiletto boots & he soon realizes that we are incredibly powerful. We laugh our asses off after realizing he’s Married & that his Wife has NO idea he’s even here today. But She’ll find out After We RUPTURE him! LOL ( 640 x 480 )
Go to Store “Megans Kicked and Abused II”
68123 – CLIP – You Picked the WRONG Girl PERV!!!
A Sex Perv breaks into her home & has nothing but the worst of intentions.. But this Pervert should have done his homework before messing with this HOT Girl! She’s a very skilled Martial Arts Expert & knows just how to disable him.. So she Front Snap Kicks him right in the nuts!.. She sees the bulge in his pants & knows how to STOP Him.. Her Solution is to Snap kick it with her boots – til it’s gone!! ( HD 1920 x 1080 )
Go to Store “Kicked and Abused”
68066 – CLIP – Cruel S*sters’ Apartment (Part I)
MPEG VersionMiss Nikki & Her S*ster Vikki really enjoy humiliating boys & taking Their money. This bitch, as the S*sters call him, can’t handle much but loves the pain (and humiliation), so he’s wearing jeans and the kicks STILL hit home & send him to the ground a few times.Wanna get kicked in the nuts like this guy is? Both S*sters give u Their email addresses.., but enter Their apartment with caution! *N.B. – We are not responsible for any injured nuts OR injured egos.
Go to Store “Goddesses\’ footboy”
68060 – CLIP – NO Sex ONLY 2 RUPTURED Nuts
She’s all dressed up & ready to go meet her friends when a Sex Perv breaks in & Attacks her.. But unfortunately for him.. He’s picked the Wrong girl! She’s a very skilled fighter & downright dangerous! She quickly takes control of the situation by kicking him in the nuts with her sexy high heel shoes.. The ONLY thing that this Pervert will be getting today from this Beautiful babe – are 2 RUPTURED Nuts! ( HD 1920 x 1080 )
Go to Store “Kicked and Abused”
68063 – CLIP – Cruel S*sters’ Apartment
MPEG VersionMiss Nikki & Her S*ster Vikki really enjoy humiliating boys & taking Their money. This bitch, as the S*sters call him, can’t handle much but loves the pain (and humiliation), so he’s wearing jeans and the kicks STILL hit home & send him to the ground a few times.Wanna get kicked in the nuts like this guy is? Both S*sters give u Their email addresses.., but enter Their apartment with caution! *N.B. – We are not responsible for any injured nuts OR injured egos.
Go to Store “Goddesses\’ footboy”
68064 – CLIP – Cruel S*sters’ Apartment
MP4 VersionMiss Nikki & Her S*ster Vikki really enjoy humiliating boys & taking Their money. This bitch, as the S*sters call him, can’t handle much but loves the pain (and humiliation), so he’s wearing jeans and the kicks STILL hit home & send him to the ground a few times.Wanna get kicked in the nuts like this guy is? Both S*sters give u Their email addresses.., but enter Their apartment with caution! *N.B. – We are not responsible for any injured nuts OR injured egos.
Go to Store “Goddesses\’ footboy”
68065 – CLIP – Cruel S*sters’ Apartment
Regular-Quality WMVMiss Nikki & Her S*ster Vikki really enjoy humiliating boys & taking Their money. This bitch, as the S*sters call him, can’t handle much but loves the pain (and humiliation), so he’s wearing jeans and the kicks STILL hit home & send him to the ground a few times.Wanna get kicked in the nuts like this guy is? Both S*sters give u Their email addresses.., but enter Their apartment with caution! *N.B. – We are not responsible for any injured nuts OR injured egos.
Go to Store “Goddesses\’ footboy”
68067 – CLIP – EXPERT at Kicking Creeps.
He broke in & thought She’d be NO Different than Any of his other victims. But Unfortunately for him – He was WRONG! This HOT Biker babe is an EXPERT at kicking creeps where it hurts & does it ALL the time!.. He’s NOW in the Fight of his Life with a Very STRONG & Sadistic Biker girl that is also a SKILLED Fighter & Expert at Front Snap Kicks to the balls!! She Really hurts him with those boots of her’s & keeps kicking him HARD – Even AFTER he’s down & NO Longer a Threat.. Then She decides to do a Favor for ALL Women & Make Sure that this Sex Pervert Won’t be Capable of Attacking ANY Other Girls.. By Severely CRUSHING his balls.. So that he’ll NEVER Even be Capable of Getting it Up – EVER AGAIN!! ( HD 1920 x 1080 )
Go to Store “Kicked and Abused”
67883 – CLIP – Stiletto in the Balls INTERROGATION
A Female Detective captures a Sex Perv by kicking him in the groin REALLY HARD in order to take him down & Subdue him. NOW She needs to INTERROGATE him to learn the details of his crimes for the Prosecution to build their case against him. She may be Beautiful – But she’s a VERY Skilled Fighter with a Reputation of being Sadistic towards Perverts that attack girls & She’s Determined to make him talk! This HOT Female Detective couldn’t care less what she does to him or how badly she hurts him to get him to Confess. So she kicks him MORE & injures him WORSE til he can no longer Stand. BUT he’s STILL Not Talking. Then she has the Solution.. Her SHARP Stiletto Heel in his balls until He DOES! ( HD 1920 x 1080 )
Go to Store “Kicked and Abused”
67859 – CLIP – School Girl Fights Off a Perv!
This Sex Perv followed her home & found his way in thru an open door. He thought this was going to be EASY.. But little did he know that he picked the WRONG Girl to Attack! She may be Really Pretty.. but She’s the toughest girl in School & also a well known BULLY. Most guys are Afraid of her & he’s about to find out WHY! She does Martial Arts & LIKES to kick boys in the balls JUST for FUN.. She’s always had to be careful “kicking boys in the balls” Before.. IF She had ever Seriously HURT a boy – She would have gotten into trouble at School & possibly Expelled – But NOT NOW! She can kick this Perv as HARD as She wants for as LONG as She wants to Without ANY Consequences – it’s Self Defense! ( HD 1920 x 1080 )
Go to Store “Kicked and Abused”
67833 – CLIP – LIFE Without Parole OR Let Me RUPTURE You!
This HOT Female Detective catches a Sex Perv that She’s been tracking for Months & has enough Evidence to put him away for LIFE. She may be Beautiful.. But She’s VERY Sadistic & has a Reputation for RUPTURING Pervs that are in her Custody. She’s an EXPERT Martial Artist & Can’t Stand Pervs that Attack girls.. So She makes him an “Offer”.. IF he takes ALL her kicks until She’s “Satisfied”.. Then She will take off the handcuffs & let him Go FREE. She KNOWS that By the Time She’s DONE Working him Over.. He’ll NEVER Even be Capable of Attacking Any other Women EVER Again & Whatever’s left of his nuts – Will need to be Surgically Removed!! The Perv knows this is going to be the Worst PAIN that he’s EVER Felt & Going to HURT Far WORSE than ANYTHING He’s EVER Imagined.. Yet EVEN THIS – is Nothing Compared to the Pain of Spending the REST Of his Life behind bars OR What the other inmates might do to him in Prison. So he Reluctantly Agrees to take the Detective up on her “Deal”. BUT What he Doesn’t Know.. Is that She has NO Plans of “Letting him Go” – ONLY Making him IMPOTENT! ( HD 1920 x 1080 )
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67731 – CLIP – bb – 2 CLIPS – BALLBUSTING SHOES – MIX – HD 1280×720
HD 1280×720, time 24:35. This is mix of 2 clips. Girls are ordering slave to obey. They kick his balls.
Go to Store “PolishMistress”
67655 – CLIP – BRAT Kicks a Perv
He followed her home from School & thought this was going to be easy once he broke in.. He thought he’d surprise her & have his way.. But little did he know.. She’s NO Ordinary Girl!.. This Bratty School Girl is the #1 Student in her Self Defense Class & they taught her 3 THINGS: (1) Aim for the Nuts (2) Kick as HARD as you can (3) DON’T STOP Kicking!… So She kicks him til he’s down & then kicks him even more. Then she decides to fix the creep so he CAN’T attack ANY other girls.. She CRUSHES his nuts & STOMPS them out like a bug under her shoes & does the world a favor by Making sure that this Perv will NEVER EVER Be Able to Get it Up – EVER AGAIN!! ( HD 1920 x 1080 )
Go to Store “Megans Kicked and Abused II”
67542 – CLIP – Stiletto in the Balls INTERROGATION
A Female Detective captures a Sex Perv by kicking him in the groin REALLY HARD in order to take him down & Subdue him. NOW She needs to INTERROGATE him to learn the details of his crimes for the Prosecution to build their case against him. She may be Beautiful – But she’s a VERY Skilled Fighter with a Reputation of being Sadistic towards Perverts that attack girls & She’s Determined to make him talk! This HOT Female Detective couldn’t care less what she does to him or how badly she hurts him to get him to Confess. So she kicks him MORE & injures him WORSE til he can no longer Stand. BUT he’s STILL Not Talking. Then she has the Solution.. Her SHARP Stiletto Heel in his balls until He DOES! ( HD 1920 x 1080 )
Go to Store “Megans Kicked and Abused II”
67480 – CLIP – LIFE Without Parole OR Let Me RUPTURE You
This HOT Female Detective catches a Sex Perv that She’s been tracking for Months & has enough Evidence to put him away for LIFE. She may be Beautiful.. But She’s VERY Sadistic & has a Reputation for RUPTURING Pervs that are in her Custody. She’s an EXPERT Martial Artist & Can’t Stand Pervs that Attack girls.. So She makes him an “Offer”.. IF he takes ALL her kicks until She’s “Satisfied”.. Then She will take off the handcuffs & let him Go FREE. She KNOWS that By the Time She’s DONE Working him Over.. He’ll NEVER Even be Capable of Attacking Any other Women EVER Again & Whatever’s left of his nuts – Will need to be Surgically Removed!! The Perv knows this is going to be the Worst PAIN that he’s EVER Felt & Going to HURT Far WORSE than ANYTHING He’s EVER Imagined.. Yet EVEN THIS – is Nothing Compared to the Pain of Spending the REST Of his Life behind bars OR What the other inmates might do to him in Prison. So he Reluctantly Agrees to take the Detective up on her “Deal”. BUT What he Doesn’t Know.. Is that She has NO Plans of “Letting him Go” – ONLY Making him IMPOTENT! ( HD 1920 x 1080 )
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67487 – CLIP – Bitchy boss
So you want a promotion? Better job, higher salary? Hmmm, then you have to know how to handle stress and …pain 😀 Yes, thats right, I have to test if you can be a strong, tough manager of my company. Now, take off your pants and spread your legs. My foot, knee and will test your pain level. Haha, what a bitch I am. But as I see it makes you excited and hard 😉
Go to Store “Amazing Lady Suzanne”
67399 – CLIP – School Girl Fights Off a Perv
This Sex Perv followed her home & found his way in thru an open door. He thought this was going to be EASY.. But little did he know that he picked the WRONG Girl to Attack! She may be Really Pretty.. but She’s the toughest girl in School & also a well known BULLY. Most guys are Afraid of her & he’s about to find out WHY! She does Martial Arts & LIKES to kick boys in the balls JUST for FUN.. She’s always had to be careful “kicking boys in the balls” Before.. IF She had ever Seriously HURT a boy – She would have gotten into trouble at School & possibly Expelled – But NOT NOW! She can kick this Perv as HARD as She wants for as LONG as She wants to Without ANY Consequences – it’s Self Defense! ( HD 1920 x 1080 )
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67261 – CLIP – The divas bust your balls!
We love to kick the balls of loser guys! It is so much fun working on useless nuts and crush them later on! His balls will be busted merciless with lot of kicks! We try lot of different methods and are very creative! This way we can be sure that it won’t be boring ever…! Lot of cruel domination and humiliation!
Go to Store “Mistress BlackDiamoond”
67347 – CLIP – EXPERT at Kicking Creeps
He broke in & thought She’d be NO Different than Any of his other victims. But Unfortunately for him – He was WRONG! This HOT Biker babe is an EXPERT at kicking creeps where it hurts & does it ALL the time!.. He’s NOW in the Fight of his Life with a Very STRONG & Sadistic Biker girl that is also a SKILLED Fighter & Expert at Front Snap Kicks to the balls!! She Really hurts him with those boots of her’s & keeps kicking him HARD – Even AFTER he’s down & NO Longer a Threat.. Then She decides to do a Favor for ALL Women & Make Sure that this Sex Pervert Won’t be Capable of Attacking ANY Other Girls.. By Severely CRUSHING his balls.. So that he’ll NEVER Even be Capable of Getting it Up – EVER AGAIN!! ( HD 1920 x 1080 )
Go to Store “Megans Kicked and Abused II”
66892 – CLIP – Miss Victoria savage cock and balls trample
Savage cock and balls trample Under the withe boots of our mature Goddess Miss Victoria