47167 – CLIP – Crushing!

Das wird eine geile Crushingsession;) mit unseren Stiefeln zerquestschen wir alles was du für uns gekocht hast, denn du Idiot hast es nicht gut genug gemacht!!!Zur Strafe wirst du alles ablecken und zwar vom Boden!!!! Wir sind extrem sauer und das lassen wir dich spüren!

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41393 – CLIP – Boot Food Crushing 33

Melady prepares a little menu for the real gourmet in its quite special way. The ingredients: A Hamburger, a big cake, blancmange and a big packet of chewing gum. It puts its blue household gloves on and makes in this to mix the ingredients of the menu for you to an eating package to itself. Under permanent insults, verbal humiliations and most vulgar insults of your person it mixes everything to a mash. It interferes much of it substantially then still spits to this and crushes it with its sexily black boots until everything is one single yellow green mass. This one then packs it beautifully into a plastic foil and puts it into the bag which you come to collect for you: Your eating package is ready good ones appetite!

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39206 – CLIP – Crushing Your Face with My Biker Boots

Today\’s your Lucky Day.. LOSER!.. I\’m going to CRUSH Your pathetic fucking face like a bug under my boot!.. You know that every time you see a hot girl in a pair of badass biker boots like these.. you\’d give Anything for her to step on your fucking face & crush it!.. lol.. so get down on the floor where you belong & get ready for the pain.. shut up & take it BITCH!.. I LOVE Stepping on your Pathetic little fucking face with my boots!.. he he… ** PLEASE NOTE ** Just a Reminder to My Customers – It will take longer to Download the Larger HD files [1080p HD – 1440 x 1080]

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