64639 – CLIP – Tormented by Katelyn’s Hands

One of Katelyn’s shrunken slaves, Dan, thought he could be a handy guy last night and break all of Katelyn’s slaves out of the cage when she was sleeping. For that he must pay! She already applied a drop of immobilization potion to him so now all he can do is watch as Katelyn slowly approaches her hand to him. She talks about all of the things she can do to him and thinks about if she wants to spare his life or not. Luckily for him he’s the handsomest out of the bunch. He does pay though! She pokes his abdomen, squeezes and pulls his legs, tugs on his arms, pulls his hair, and torments him with her hands.However, she warns if he fucks up one more time, she won’t be so forgiving. And his torture doesn’t end here. To finish paying for what he did he must please her in the bedroom! She tells him how it will go and then wraps her hands around his tiny body and tells him that it’s time to bring her to the bed.
Tormented by Katelyn's Hands
Go to Store “Giantess Katelyn”


Custom clip request ”Hi Godess Celine, I just discovered your site and I would like to suggest a clip were you put on surgical gloves(like the ones in the Gaintess Nurse clip) and a blue surgical mask with earloops. I love gloves and surgical masks combined with sexy ladies like yourself. No specific details other than that really. You could mix it with your own imagination.You are a nurse giving me a handjob I don’t want and I’m being persistant but you tell me that I need it and that Nurse Celine is going to take care of me. Do some inhales with the mask on as well. Then you pull the mask under you chin and start licking your gloves. I’m under the belief of the treatment being over, but you smile at me and tell me it has only begun and attaches the mask back to your face and maintain the handjob. I grow even more persistant but you keep telling me that it’s for my own good. Maybe add some of your own imaginations as well

61560 – CLIP – Beautiful woman shows her sexy hands (WMV Low Resolution)

Dream girl Natalia shows you her sexy hands. Her shapely fingers and sexy painted nails are making you horny, aren?t they? Natalia knows this and enjoys your eyes on her hands. She wants to grab you with her hands, comes quite close to you. Of course she wants to show you how big her hands are. She measures them so that you can see it for yourself.
Beautiful woman shows her sexy hands (WMV Low Resolution)
Go to Store “Sexy Hands”

61559 – CLIP – Beautiful woman shows her sexy hands (Realplayer)

Dream girl Natalia shows you her sexy hands. Her shapely fingers and sexy painted nails are making you horny, aren?t they? Natalia knows this and enjoys your eyes on her hands. She wants to grab you with her hands, comes quite close to you. Of course she wants to show you how big her hands are. She measures them so that you can see it for yourself.
Beautiful woman shows her sexy hands (Realplayer)
Go to Store “Sexy Hands”

58156 – CLIP – Katelyn’s Dominating Hands

In this video, your name is Jim. Katelyn asks how you like being doll sized?! She can see you staring at her hands already and brings them very close to your face. Can you see all of the lines of her palms? Her fingers and her sexy finger nails? She likes to keep them nice and perfect! With a hand fetish guy like you and a girl who likes to keep her nails so perfect like her, she thinks you’re going to have a lot of fun together with her hands! Especially at that little tiny doll size of yours!Katelyn then brings her hands very close to you and begins dominating you with them. She nearly suffocates you, grabs your jaw, carelessly moves your head around in whichever direction she wishes. She then plays a game with you. The look no touch game! She brings her hands close to her breasts and tells you not to dare crawling your way closer to them and shows you what the consequences could be if you so do! After describing in detail how easily she could crush your tiny doll sized body in her hands she slowly brings them closer to you. She wants you to cum for them. About mid way she tells you if you need to lube yourself up more then it’s your last chance to! If you don’t cum in time, you will be suffocated. Katelyn continues to ever so slowly bring her hands closer and closer to your face! She also likes to remind you that suffocating you is surely an option she’d like to take if you don’t cum!Luckily enough for you, you cum soon after her hands reach your face. The super close up view of her puffy finger padding and sexy feminine hands and the way she describes touching your face made you blow harder than ever. She then picks you up and lets you take a much satisfied nap on her lap with her fingers. Don’t worry, they’ll be right there when you wake up too!
Katelyn's Dominating Hands
Go to Store “Giantess Katelyn”

27067 – CLIP – np – ls – FIRST NOSE PINCHING – 02 – HD 1280×720

HD 1280×720, time 7:47. Lady Sylwia version. REQUEST:\”Please press the nose and the mouth against the acrylic sheet or the glassboard or the window, move up and down and right and left, and show the noselike the pig and the collapsing nose.Please move the nose intensely.Please let me see in the hole of the nose well.Please take a picture of the nose in close-up chiefly. \” This clip was made on special request – you can also send me your scenario on mistressweronika@gmail.com
np - ls - FIRST NOSE PINCHING - 02 - HD 1280x720
Go to Store “PolishMistress”

58120 – CLIP – Jade’s Appalling Trash Situation

Giantess Jade, dressed in a very sexy red cat suit and mega high heels, is completely appalled when she enters her kitchen to find that it has been coated in trash by a shrunken person infestation. They uprooted her entire trash can! Absolutely unacceptable!She yells at the shrunken people some more, clearly showing her disappointment and disgust in their lack of respect for her house and hygiene. Giantess Jade then takes the lid off her trash can and swings herself and it over to the big trash pile on the floor. She chucks the trash pieces one by one into the trash can while completely appalled over the sheer idiocy of the shrunken people. A couple of the shrunken people end up thrown away too!After she brims the trash can full of the trash she crushes it down with her sexy black high heels. She lifts the bag out of the trash can and ties it. She then shows the shrunken people how she deals with trash and slowly consumes the entire bag! She rubs her belly, gulps, moans, and eats it until it’s completely gone! One bag of trash wasn’t enough to fill her belly up so she gets out another bag and fills it up with the rest of the trash. She chomps, chews, sucks, eats, and enjoys her second bag of trash until it is all gone. By the end of it she’s so full she doesn’t even have room to eat the shrunken people that destroyed her kitchen. She decides to save them for a midnight snack and walks off to go lay down on the couch to digest some of the trash, she feels really stuffed!
Jade's Appalling Trash Situation
Go to Store “Giantess Katelyn”

57954 – CLIP – Home from Class

Jade comes home from class, places her bag on the dresser, and picks you up. She’s been waiting all day to see you, she missed you so much! She really wanted to take you to class with her but she just couldn’t as she doesn’t want to get caught with you. Hopefully you had a nice day waiting for her.Next she goes to pet you but her hands are a bit dry so she spends a minute smoothing silky lotion all over them. Much better! Don’t her lotioned hands feel so nice all over your tiny body? They’re so soft, they smell so good! She just loves how you fit right in the palm of her hand. Teeny, tiny!She tells you to come closer. She’s kinda hungry, are you? You are so she takes you in her hand and starts walking to the kitchen.
Home from Class
Go to Store “Giantess Katelyn”