110953 – Infaltable massacre part1/2

Christin and Lady B destroy many inflatables in different ways. First Lady B blow up a water ball with a compressor until he burst with a loud bang. Arm floats become simply crushed. Lady B cut up the valves or burn o hole in it with her cigarette. Or she plays with her large knife and rams it in the inflatable stuff. Both Gilrs wearing flat Shoes in this part.
Infaltable massacre part1/2
Go to Store “Pretty merciless Feet”

110274 – Inflatable pirate island (small version)

Lady B gets a inflatable pirate island from user. First she playing and trample woth they. She kicks the pirate like karate style with her naked feet. Again and again in his ugly face. She trample the large Palm tree and jump on the island. She wands to destroy they, but without succes. Now she take her black high heel Boots and start the game from the beginning. She kicks and trample the pirate so long until finally it is flat. She trample the large Palm tree gut without succes. Christin comes with her high heel boots and together trample and jump the Girls the pirate island completely flat.
Inflatable pirate island (small version)
Go to Store “Pretty merciless Feet”

110261 – Inflatable pirate island

Lady B gets a inflatable pirate island from user. First she playing and trample woth they. She kicks the pirate like karate style with her naked feet. Again and again in his ugly face. She trample the large Palm tree and jump on the island. She wands to destroy they, but without succes. Now she take her black high heel Boots and start the game from the beginning. She kicks and trample the pirate so long until finally it is flat. She trample the large Palm tree gut without succes. Christin comes with her high heel boots and together trample and jump the Girls the pirate island completely flat.
Inflatable pirate island
Go to Store “Pretty merciless Feet”