Hier endlich ein Pony, wie sie alle sein sollten! Der Ponyboy bietet sich selbst Lady Alice für einen Ausritt an, und da sie das sehr mag, bekommt er eine tolle Trainingseinheit! Die langbeinige Amazone reitet das Pony, kommandiert es durch den Raum und das gut erzogene Pony tut sein Bestes, bis er ganz erschöpft ist ? allerdings beendet Lady Alice ihre Reitstunde deswegen ganz bestimmt nicht, LOL
Category Archives: Pet Play
38249 – CLIP – Pony Mistress Dana (WMV Low Resolution)
Beeing the ponyboy of Lady Dana makes him forget the whole world around. The pony mistress wears a sexy revealing bikini and black net stockings. A lot of scenes showing her sexy backside and hip work of riding moves while her long legs squeeze his body tightly.
38248 – CLIP – Gothic Girl Carina (WMV Low Resolution)
The beautiful gothic lady Carina shows here the finest skills of human pony riding- with precise riding crop work at his butt, riding elegantly fullweight with a nearby acrobatic poise and enjoying it with her whole body – while pony stoans under her knees at his back ? Lady doing with the pony what SHE wants to and leading him with a hard hand ? at least the pony would not dare to say anything what ever she does. But considering the snaffle he gets and SHE knows to use he would not be able to anyway LOL
38247 – CLIP – Nadja Pony Riding (WMV Low Resolution)
Sexy blackhaired Nadja thinks pony riding relaxing- so why does her pony see it another way? She rides her pony listening to her I-pod and enjoying the music, moves her hips to the music and expects the poor pony to run fast matching to the beat. She is not impressed when he stoans and ?helps? him with her riding crop to keep the pace.
38246 – CLIP – Lady Alita – Riding Mistress (WMV Low Resolution)
So if your girlfriend tells you to clean up then you should otherwise you will end like Alitas bf did! While he has to carry her around, she uses her worn stockings as reins, humilates him, presses her worn panties in his face and forces him to smell them. She expects him to do exactly what she says but makes his work so difficult pressing her ass or her tits in his back, then changing the weight or just laying comfortably on his back and enjoying her sexy look in the mirror while her ponyboy has to clean up follow her instructions.
45976 – CLIP – *Porker-Instruction*
You are a ridiculous fat piggy : D. .. YOU want to be my fat porker: D? Then listen carefully through what I have to tell you;)! (1280×720)
38244 – CLIP – Lady Chrissy (WMV Low Resolution)
First Lady Chrissy is very nice to her pony fondling it and offering titbits… better he would have enjoyed it as long it lasted LOL – but as he moans around, he gets a harness and she jumps on his back to ride him wildly, pressing her hips deeply in his back and her long leather-boot-legs in in his ribs! Then she chases him around untill he breaks down- and she puts her foot on him in a winners pose while he has to listen what she thinks of lame donkey like he is!
38243 – CLIP – Mistress Cleo – Ponytraining (WMV Low Resolution)
First her pony might have thought that he would have an easy ride with the sweet looking Mistress Cleo but she shows with a strict hand and hard leg work she knows exactly what he NEEDS. While her riding lesson she plays with her weight and her feet at his back – a good piece of work for the pony but a lot of sexy views for you!
38242 – CLIP – BBW Cathy (WMV Low Resolution)
Voluptious Cathy shows him what it means to be a pony of a real big beautiful girl! She lets him feel her full weight while riding giving him instructions -untill he breaks down under her big bum! And then Cathy gets really angry slapping him an appropriate way, what a looser!!!
38241 – CLIP – Brazil Sisters (WMV Low Resolution)
Brazilian double power on a poor pony. The hot sisters make the pony feel his limits! They would chase him around the room with a lot of temperament while one is always on his back. And when they both ride him, the pony is fully out of breath – for sure only because of the awsome nearness of the long legged bikini beauties, isn\’t he :).
44179 – CLIP – Internet Dogg-boy
These girls aren\’t allowed to have pets in their building, so they have a great idea- they decide to call over that \ craiglist guy\ that will let them do anything they want to him for next to nothing- and COMMAND him to be a dogg for them!Of course, he agrees and comes running over to be used by them again- which they think is pathetic & SOOO hilarious…They film it again to add to his humiliation. He doesnt speak the entire video. He is ONLY allowed to make \dogg noises\ and stay on all fours! They make him BEG (like a DOGG!) roll over, play , and even humiliate him further by playing fetch with him- with their shoe! this \human being\ needs to crawl across the room on all fours and bring the one girl\’s flat back to her IN ITS TEETH- while she laughs at him right in his face.Humiliating and just plain MEAN. &iid=44179 &iid=44179
44178 – CLIP – Internet Dogg-boy
These girls aren\’t allowed to have pets in their building, so they have a great idea- they decide to call over that \ craiglist guy\ that will let them do anything they want to him for next to nothing- and COMMAND him to be a dogg for them!Of course, he agrees and comes running over to be used by them again- which they think is pathetic & SOOO hilarious…They film it again to add to his humiliation. He doesnt speak the entire video. He is ONLY allowed to make \dogg noises\ and stay on all fours! They make him BEG (like a DOGG!) roll over, play , and even humiliate him further by playing fetch with him- with their shoe! this \human being\ needs to crawl across the room on all fours and bring the one girl\’s flat back to her IN ITS TEETH- while she laughs at him right in his face.Humiliating and just plain MEAN. &iid=44178 &iid=44178
38239 – CLIP – Girlfriends Dara & Melissa (WMV Low Resolution)
Both hot girlfriends, wearing bikini and high heels only, tease the tied up pony to the max! One hottie rides him first while the other leads him around and then both- though the pony is hardly able to carry the hot girls at once and would nearby break down under the hot asses of dara and melissa! So the girls change their riding style and pony has to carry them around while they sit on his shoulders!
38238 – CLIP – Pony Girl Xenia (WMV Low Resolution)
The pony has to serve the sexy blonde ponygirl Xenia for a ride around the living room – she berates on the slowly pony and forces him to lick the heels of her sexy boots.
38237 – CLIP – Riding Lesson (WMV Low Resolution)
Now, this is what pony did not expect- Sandra is giving him a riding lesson which demands quite a lot of the unexperienced pony! Watch Sandra, sitting on his back in tight jeans and cowboy boots giving precise instructions while the pony would get more educated and better – if not he would feel her heels deeply in his ribs!
38235 – CLIP – Latex Pony Mistress (WMV Low Resolution)
Sexy Lady Sue wears a hot latex catsuit and corset every pony would start sweating and slobbering alone from looking at her but her pony has the honour to sweat for other reasons too – to keep him in pace he gets some paddle and has to learn how a good pony has to present himself nearby and u n d e r his riding mistress!
38234 – CLIP – Sexy Dreamgirl – Pony Mistress (WMV Low Resolution)
Daidra makes her pony run faster through the room and when *it* would become slowlier, he would get a smack on his backside! The pony is gasping but still seems beeing very motivated – no wonder, just look at the sexy butt of the hot mistress covered with a string-panty only and her long legs in black stay ups!
42758 – CLIP – Gassi gehen
Komm mein Hündchen es ist zeit Gassi zu gehen ich will das du an deiner Leine hinter mir her kriechst in dem Tempo was ich dir vorgebe . Du wirst den Matsch meiner Geilen Stiefel ablecken ich werde ihn dir mit meinen Stiefeln schön in deine hässliche Fresse schmieren und werde sie immer wieder richtig dreckig machen damit ich voll auf meine Kosten komme und dich leiden sehen. Los komm auf die knie ich will dich durch den Dreck ziehen und dich wie einen Hund vorführen.
42670 – CLIP – Mahlzeit, Drecksköter!
Der kleine elendige Drecksköter hat Hunger? Na dann gibt Frauchen dem Köter jetzt was zum FRESSEN! Ekliger, schleimiger und stinkender Hundefras! Dazu serviere ich noch reichlich Spucke und verbale Erniedrigung! Muss ich dem Stinkeköter beim Fressen helfen?? Na los friss von meinem Heel und lutsche diesen schön sauber, Absatzlutscher! Den Boden darfst du auch noch sauber lecken, NACHDEM du alles brav aufgefressen hast! Nach dem Fressen wirst du noch schön mit mir Gassi gehen, vielleicht findet sich gleich noch eine Hündin, die du ficken kannst, Loser!
38217 – CLIP – Sexy Christina and her Pony (WMV Low Resolution)
Sexy Christina is quite mean to her pony! While talking with her sweet voice she would smack him with her whip as she wants him to carry her around faster. And she makes him feel her sexy bum in hotpants with full weight on his back!
38215 – CLIP – HumanPonies – MIchelles (WMV Low Resolution)
Wow! Michelle S. rides her pony just in a bikini! See her run her horse with her sexy thighs and ass!
41075 – CLIP – Wichsender Drecksköter du! (640×480)
Heute, mein kleiner Kriecher, probieren wir etwas Neues: Du wirst mir den dreckigen Wichsköter machen. So ein Hundeleben, mit mir als Frauchen, war doch schon immer ein Traum von Dir. Habe ich recht? Du benötigst für diese Session: Ein Hundehalsband (notfalls ein dickes Band oder Gürtel), eine große Karotte oder ein Stück Holz, einen Hundenapf oder eine Schüssel und eine Pflanze mit einem Topf (je größer desto besser). Deine Blase sollte voll sein *grins* und dein Sack ebenfalls. So und jetzt mach mir den wichsenden Drecksköter! (Petplay, Fetisch Wichsanleitung, Sklavenaufgabe, NS, Demütigung) 640 x 480
41074 – CLIP – Sklavenköter Wurmkur
Bäääääh….. wo warst du dreckiger Sklavenköter schon wieder???? In welcher Scheisse hast du dich schon wieder gewühlt?? Nein… so fass ich dich nich an… und NEIN…so lass ich mich mit dir auch nicht blicken… Du machst jetzt erstmal schon ne Wurmkur.. und dann…darfst du vlt. wieder mit meinen Füssen kuscheln, wenn du wieder sauber bist…
41058 – CLIP – Wichsender Drecksköter du!
Heute, mein kleiner Kriecher, probieren wir etwas Neues: Du wirst mir den dreckigen Wichsköter machen. So ein Hundeleben, mit mir als Frauchen, war doch schon immer ein Traum von Dir. Habe ich recht? Du benötigst für diese Session: Ein Hundehalsband (notfalls ein dickes Band oder Gürtel), eine große Karotte oder ein Stück Holz, einen Hundenapf oder eine Schüssel und eine Pflanze mit einem Topf (je größer desto besser). Deine Blase sollte voll sein *grins* und dein Sack ebenfalls. So und jetzt mach mir den wichsenden Drecksköter! (Petplay, Fetisch Wichsanleitung, Sklavenaufgabe, NS, Demütigung)
40885 – CLIP – Demütigendes Schlucktraining – Überwinde deinen Ekel für mich!
Aus der Hundeperspektive darfst du meine Küche betrachten und vor mir kriechen während ich dir dein heutiges Abendessen zubereite. Du wirst deinen Ekel für mich überwinden und deinen Sklavenfraß aus dem Napf auf dem Boden zu meinen Füßen in geilen Stiefeln fressen. Zuvor jedoch benötige ich noch eine große Portion Eiweiß von dir *Grins* Los wichs in den Napf und dann friss! (Schlucktraining, Ekeltraining, POV, Pet Play, )